Aaron Etra was appointed Director of TGFIN and TradinGear on April 29, 2003. Aaron Etra has been the President of Investors & Developers Associates, Inc., a developer of commercial, residential and industrial property in the U.S., since 1981 as well as Chairman of Molecular Technology Group, a biotechnology and consumer products and research and development group of companies since 1998. He is also a Director of ABSS Corp. Mr. Etra has been an Attorney and a counselor at law since 1966 specializing in commercial, corporate, tax and personal law. His professional education includes a J.D. in Law at Columbia University in 1965, L.L.M. in Law at New York University in 1966, a B.A. in Political Science and Economics at Yale University in 1962 and he attended the Hague Academy of International Law during the summers of 1964- 65