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Profile of Abhay Wakhare

Abhay Wakhare

GM Finance, Sricon Infrastructure - India Globalization Capital Inc.
Abhay Wakhare Email :
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Company Name : India Globalization Capital Inc.
Company Website : www.indiaglobalcap.com
Company Address : 4336 Montgomery Ave.
, Bethesda, MD,
United States,
Abhay Wakhare Profile :
GM Finance, Sricon Infrastructure - India Globalization Capital Inc.
Abhay Wakhare Biography :

Abhay has been the General Manager of Finance and Accounting and the company secretary since 2004 where he is responsible for finance accounting human resources and is the corporate secretary of the company. Mr. Wakhare has broad experience having worked in several industries. From 2002-2004 he was the General Manager Finance for the ammunitions manufacturing division of the Eros Group of companies. From 1992-2002 he was an entrepreneur having founded a perfume company. From 1996-1999 he was the chief executive officer of Disani Agro Limited a $50m pesticide and herbicide manufacturer. From 1994-1996 he was the Assistant General Manager Finance at Hindustan Lever. Mr. Wakhare's education and qualifications are as follows: Bachelor of Commerce 1990 Masters of Commerce 1992 Nagpur University. 1993 Indian Institute of Cost Accountants. 1993 Chartered Financial Analyst. 1993 Bachelor of Law Pune University. MBA 1994 SIMB Pune. Masters in Law 1996 Osmaniya University. MSc. Finance 1997 Business School of Hyderabad.

Abhay Wakhare Colleagues :
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Ranga Krishna

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Ram Mukunda

Exec. Chmn., Pres., CEO Please login

Sudhakar Shenoy

Board Dir. Please login

Suhail Nathani

Board Dir. Please login

Larry Pressler

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