joined the Board as an independent non-executive Director on 18 December 2007. Mr. Shek is an independent non-executive director and an audit committee member of each of Midas International Holdings Limited Paliburg Holdings Limited Lifestyle International Holdings Limited Chuang's Consortium International Limited NWS Holdings Limited See Corporation Limited Regal Portfolio Management Limited Titan Petrochemicals Group Limited Eagle Asset Management (CP) Limited ITC Corporation Limited Country Garden Holdings Company Limited. He is also an independent non-executive director of each of Hop Hing Group Holdings Limited SJM Holdings Limited Hsin Chong Construction Group Ltd as well as both the Chairman and an independent non-executive director of Chuang's China Investments Limited. Mr. Shek was appointed as Justice of the Peace in 1995 and was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star in 2007. He is a Member of the Council of The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and the Court of the University of Hong Kong. Mr. Shek is a graduate of the University of Sydney and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Diploma in Education.