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Profile of Adam Knickelbein

Adam Knickelbein

Consultant - Summit Blue Consulting LLC
Adam Knickelbein Email :
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Company Name : Summit Blue Consulting LLC
Company Website : www.summitblue.com
Company Address : 1722 14th St.
Ste. 230, Boulder, CO,
United States,
Adam Knickelbein Profile :
Consultant - Summit Blue Consulting LLC
Adam Knickelbein Biography :

Adam Knickelbein, BS, EIT. A Consultant with Summit Blue, Mr. Knickelbein brings experience in demand-side management program evaluation, engineering analysis, energy-use modeling, market research, and database design. Since joining Summit Blue in 2004, Mr. Knickelbein has analyzed the potential, cost-effectiveness, and impacts for several energy efficiency programs, including both resource acquisition- and market transformation-type programs. In addition, he has conducted on-site measure verification and end-use metering at more than 100 commercial, industrial, and residential facilities around the country. Recently, he assisted a southwest utility in the specification of energy-efficiency measures and incremental costs for their portfolio of DSM programs. His areas of expertise include the verification of energy and demand impacts, technology assessment and specification, engineering analysis of energy-saving technologies, calibrated hourly energy simulations (including hourly load profiles for DSM measures by customer sector), on-site data collection, end-use metering, and performance measurement. Development of Cost-Effective Measure Incentives (Arizona Public Service). This project involved the research and development of reasonable and cost-effective incentives for various energy efficiency improvements in residential and non-residential facilities throughout the utility's service territory. Primary project tasks included the recommendation of prescribed energy efficiency upgrades; pricing and research of the incremental costs associated with the improvements; calculation of energy savings and peak demand reduction from the various measures; and benefit-cost analyses to determine appropriate incentive levels for each measure. Review of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance's Contribution to BPA's Energy Conservation Targets (Bonneville Power Administration). The goal of this project was to determine whether there was sufficient basis for the savings claimed by the Alliance for BPA to claim those savings on the same basis as its other program investments. Mr. Knickelbein was responsible for much of the analysis, including 1) converting Alliance calendar year gross savings for 2004 and 2005 to estimates of quarterly savings to match the fiscal year used by BPA; 2) adjusting utility incentive figures to reflect final data collected by BPA and the Alliance; and 3) adjusting the Alliance's 'net' savings to account for the difference between their assumed baseline condition and that of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council. The result of the project was increased stakeholder confidence in the way that the Alliance reports its savings. Statewide Measurement and Verification Evaluation (Public Utility Commission of Texas). Summit Blue served as the Independent Measurement and Verification Expert to the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) for verifying the estimates of energy and peak demand reductions for calendar years 2003 and 2004 as reported by the utilities. The objective of the evaluation was to verify that the estimates developed by the utilities provide a reasonable estimate of the energy and demand saved through the utility's energy efficiency programs. Primary project responsibilities included the assessment of utility's savings claims for the Residential Standard Offer Program, evaluating the reasonableness of residential deemed savings estimates, and providing the savings rollup for all evaluated programs. Prior to working with Summit Blue, Mr. Knickelbein held an Analyst position with Quantec, where he conducted more than 70 on-site energy audits of commercial, industrial, and residential facilities in California, Oregon, Washington, and Utah; used eQUEST to perform building simulation modeling of commercial facilities in Washington and Utah; performed extensive energy analyses of both whole-building energy usage and end-use consumption through the use of spreadsheets, computer programs, and modeling software; conducted characterization and assessment of energy markets with regard to energy efficiency and low-income energy utility customers; and conducted surveys with end-use customers and other market actors to determine free ridership, spillover, and net-to-gross ratios. Mr. Knickelbein holds a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Colorado-Boulder and is a certified Engineer-In-Training through the state of Colorado.

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