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Profile of Albert Bussone

Albert Bussone

Dir., Assist. Sec. - CHIMES INTERNATIONAL, LIMITED, Assist. Sec. - CHIMES FOUNDATION, INCORPORATED, Exec. VP, COO - CHIMES FOUNDATION BOARD OF Advisor, Assist. Sec. - Chimes DC, Assist. Sec. - Chimes Delaware, Assist. Sec. - Chimes Maryland, Assist. Sec. - Chimes Virginia, VP, Assist. Sec. - HOLCOMB BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSTEMS - Chimes Inc.
Albert Bussone Email :
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Company Name : Chimes Inc.
Company Website : www.chimes.org
Company Address : 4815 Seton Dr.
, Baltimore, MD,
United States,
Albert Bussone Profile :
Dir., Assist. Sec. - CHIMES INTERNATIONAL, LIMITED, Assist. Sec. - CHIMES FOUNDATION, INCORPORATED, Exec. VP, COO - CHIMES FOUNDATION BOARD OF Advisor, Assist. Sec. - Chimes DC, Assist. Sec. - Chimes Delaware, Assist. Sec. - Chimes Maryland, Assist. Sec. - Chimes Virginia, VP, Assist. Sec. - HOLCOMB BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSTEMS - Chimes Inc.
Albert Bussone Biography :

Albert Bussone joined Chimes Family of Services in 1991. He previously served as Senior Vice President of Operations with Elwyn, Inc. for 27 years and brought his knowledge and experience in the areas of residential, vocational, educational, NISH contracts, mergers and acquisitions to Chimes. Mr. Bussone was instrumental in expanding Chimes services to other states and working with NISH and Maryland Works to create new opportunities for employment for people with disabilities that offered competitive wages and benefits. Today Mr. Bussone is Execitive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Chimes International, Ltd. He is responsible for services provided in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Mr. Bussone has been honored with the Evie Cutler Public Service Award in Maryland and the NCWC Management Excellence Award.

Albert Bussone Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Stephen Kramer

Chmn. - Chimes International Ltd. Please login

Patrick Bagley

Vice Chmn. - Chimes International, Ltd. Please login

Bobby Edmondson

Vice Chmn., Member - Governance Committee - Chimes International - Limited, Dir. - Chimes Foundation, Incorporated, Dir. - Chimes DC, Dir. - Chimes Delaware, Chmn. - Chimes Maryland, Dir. - Chimes Virginia, Dir. - Developmental Services, New Jersey, Dir. - Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, Dir. - Family Services Association Please login

Julius Margolis

Vice Chmn., Member - Compensation Committee - Chimes International - Limited, Treasurer - Chimes Maryland Please login

Arthur George

Vice Chmn., Member - Nominating Committee - Chimes International - Limited, Vice Chmn. - Chimes Foundation, Incorporated, Dir. - Chimes DC, Dir. - Chimes Delaware, Dir. - Chimes Maryland, Dir. - Chimes Virginia, Dir. - Developmental Services, New Jersey, Dir. - Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems Please login

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