Born in Madrid, 28th of February 1942. Mr. Alfonso Ferrari Herrero has a doctorate in Industrial Engineering from the Industrial Engineers Technical School of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and holds a master�s degree in business administration from Harvard University (EEUU). He serves as a director of CTC Chile S.A., Telef�nica Internacional, S.A. and Telef�nica de Peru, S.A.A. From 1968 to 1969 he was Assistant to the Financial Manager of Hidroel�ctrica del Cant�brico, S.A. From 1969 to 1985, he worked in Banco Urquijo as financial analyst, Manager of Industrial Investments and he served as a representative in several subsidiaries of such Bank as a member of the Board of Directors. From 1985 to 1996 he was member of the Board of Directors and Manager of the Corporate Finance of Beta Capital, S.A. In 1996 was appointed as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Beta Capital, S.A. until 2000. |