Born on 3.26.1961. Graduated in Law from Universidade Bandeirante de S�o Paulo. Mr. Souza began his career in July 1975 as office assistant at S�o Pedro do Suacu� branch MG. In february 1987 he became Manager in Divin�polis Branch MG and then in the following branches: Juiz de For a MG Cidade Industrial Urb. Contagem MG Pra�a Pio X Urb. Rio de Janeiro RJ and Rio de Janeiro Center RJ. In August 1998 he was elected as Director current denomination for Regional Director responsible for Bras�lia and Nordeste Regionals. Currently he holds the position of Director in S�o Paulo. He is also Effective Director of State of S�o Paulo�s Industries Center (CIESP). He was President of the Associa��o e Sindicatos dos Bancos do Estado da Bahia in which he was also Vice-President.