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Profile of Amy Garrigues

Amy Garrigues

Assoc. Attorney - Kennedy Covington Lobdell & Hickman LLP
Amy Garrigues Email :
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Company Name : Kennedy Covington Lobdell & Hickman LLP
Company Website : www.kclh.com
Company Address : 214 N Tryon St.
47th Fl., Charlotte, NC,
United States,
Amy Garrigues Profile :
Assoc. Attorney - Kennedy Covington Lobdell & Hickman LLP
Amy Garrigues Biography :

Amy is an associate in the business law department and concentrates her practice exclusively on health law. She primarily represents academic medical centers, hospitals, and health systems. In this context, she regularly advises clients on regulatory and compliance issues involving fraud and abuse laws, EMTALA, HIPAA, other federal healthcare program requirements, and state hospital licensure laws.

Representative Matters

Defense of hospital against a retaliation claim asserted under the False Claims Act.

Regulatory due diligence in connection with prospective acquisitions of ambulatory surgery centers, hospitals, and other healthcare companies.

Publications, Presentations and Awards

"The Eleventh Circuit Holds That Agreements in Which Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Generic Companies Not to Compete May Be Valid," Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, Spring 2004

Professional, Civic and Community Involvement

Professional: American Health Lawyers Association, Member.

Amy Garrigues Colleagues :
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Lynne Barber

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Bunny Hicks

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Joe Cerone

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Carol Barbieri

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Mindy Finnegan

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