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Profile of Andrew Fry

Andrew Fry

Sr. Engineer - Reaction Engineering International
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Company Name : Reaction Engineering International
Company Website : www.reaction-eng.com
Company Address : 77 West 200 S
Ste. 210, Salt Lake City, UT,
United States,
Andrew Fry Profile :
Sr. Engineer - Reaction Engineering International
Andrew Fry Biography :

Dr. Fry is currently investigating the modeling of mecury speciation, as well as the use of Rich Reagent Injection for NOx control in pulverized coal boilers. He has experience with Chemkin, Opto 22, Matlab, SolidWorks and multiple programming languages. He is also proficient with mechanical and construction-related tasks, as well as real-time mercury measurement and speciation using Tekran Model 2537A Mercury Vapor Analyzers, PS Analytical Model 10.534 Mercury Vapor Calibrators, Apogee Scientific QSIS Inertial Probes, and Wet chemical conditioning and speciation systems Education Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Utah, June 2006 B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Utah, May 2002Experience Senior Engineer, Reaction Engineering International, Salt Lake City, Utah (June 2006 - Present) Modeling mercury speciation in coal-fired utility boilers and through air pollution control devicesInvestigating the applicability of Rich Reagent Injection for NOx control in pulverized coal boilers Ph.D. Dissertation Research, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah (May 2002 - June 2006) Investigated fundamental reactions of mercury in coal-fired utility boilers. Designed and constructed a quartz mercury reactor with a 1,000 Btu/hr methane flame. Showed quartz surface interaction reduces oxidation due to radical scavenging. Quantified homogeneous mercury oxidation as a function of chlorine concentration and quench rate. Evaluated mechanism parameters of a detailed kinetic model involving 110 species and 385 reactions. Investigating the effects of NO and SO2 on homogeneous mercury oxidation. Undergraduate Research, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah (May 2001 - May 2002) Redesigned and rebuilt a 1 million BTU/hr circulating fluidized bed reactor. Developed a fuel injection system with controls for a jet fuel pool fire facility. Related Experience Pipe Fitter and Iron Worker, CEntry Constructors and Engineers (May 1996 - Oct 1997) Fit butt-weld, schedule-40 pipe ranging from 4 to 24 inch diameter. Connected structural steel. Worked on pipe, structure and concrete at Willow Creek Mine, Helper, Utah. Erected a bag house at Monsanto coal coking facility, Rock Springs, Wyoming. General Helper, PacifiCorp, Hunter and Huntington Power Plants (July 1992 - Dec 1995) Maintained coal conveying equipment and operated light equipment. Professional Associations and Awards Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Advisory Committee Chairman, 2003-2005 ASCEU Non-Traditional Student Representative, 1999-2000

Andrew Fry Colleagues :
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Constance Senior

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