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Profile of Art Hierl

Art Hierl

Owner - Arthur Hierl Associates
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Company Name : Arthur Hierl Associates
Company Website : www.ahierl.com
Company Address : 10 Withe Pass
, Burlington, CT,
United States,
Art Hierl Profile :
Owner - Arthur Hierl Associates
Art Hierl Biography :

Art Hierl, Owner, founded A.H. Hierl Associates in 1992 after working in companies ranging from General Dynamics (aerospace) to Northeast Utilities (electric and gas utility) for 20 years. Art bought his first home computer in 1985, a Texas Instruments model 99 a, and was so intrigued by the potential of personal computers that he subsequently decided to develop software fulltime. He won first place among about 300 developers in a technical knowledge contest at a users� conference. While his children consider this a nerdy programming award, Art believes it helps inspire confidence in his work. He holds an electrical engineering degree, along with advanced degrees in business and economics, including a Ph. D. in Finance. When not with clients or in front of his numerous computers, Art is playing tennis or jogging with one of his associates, Toby, the black lab.

Art Hierl Colleagues :
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Bruce Lomasky

Sr. Assoc. Please login

Steve Lease

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