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Profile of Ashok Sharma

Ashok Sharma

Pres. - HAI Associates Inc.
Ashok Sharma Email :
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Company Name : HAI Associates Inc.
Company Website : www.haiassociates.com
Company Address : 880 Apollo St.
Ste. 357, El Segundo, CA,
United States,
Ashok Sharma Profile :
Pres. - HAI Associates Inc.
Ashok Sharma Biography :

Ashok co-founded HAI along with Steve Jackson and Gene Bates in December 2001. He has been responsible for building a new line of business in professional services supporting core banking, Internet and client server solutions in banks, including the company's worldwide partnership with the Temenos Group, I-flex Solutions, Wipro and Infosys and many other partners. He has over twenty years of successful experience applying the latest software technologies to financial applications, particularly branch banking and front-end systems for retail banks and financial institutions. He was a founding member of Hatcher Associates Inc. in 1996 where he built the first vendor partnership with Sanchez beginning in January 1999 and was the leading manager in the second vendor partnership with Corillian Corporation. Ashok has a solid background in new technologies including UNIX, web technologies and J2EE and joined Hatcher Associates Inc. from Logica, Inc. where he spent four years consulting on and implementing branch automation and teller systems for banks in England, India, Abu Dhabi, Vietnam and North America. From 1988-1992 he worked for ISC-Bunker Ramo as a software engineer, and designed and directed development of the PINNACLE PC product line. For California Federal Bank he developed and implemented a complete teller and platform transaction system. From 1985-1987 he worked for Ericsson Information Systems supporting branch automation products, and for Gibraltar Savings & Loan interfaced the Ericsson teller system to Hogan software.

Ashok Sharma Colleagues :
Name Title Email

David Hatcher

Chmn., CEO Please login

Gene Bates

Exec. VP, Project Dir. Please login

Stephen Jackson

Exec. VP, International Banking Division Please login

Norm Lacey

Recruiting Mgr. Please login

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