Bernardo Afonso Salom�o de Alvarenga - 55, earned his degree in electrical engineering from Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG) in 1978, and an MBA from the Get�lio Vargas Foundation in 2001. He has participated in innumerable internal courses at Cemig on individual and management development. Outside Cemig he has attended courses on the electrical power system, telephony, IT and trading: most importantly Distributech 2002, in Miami, Florida; and visits to electricity companies in the UK, Austria, Belgium, Spain and Portugal (in 2005). He has been a lecturer and teacher at INETC, Cefet, Pit�goras, Polimig, Utramig and Seno (over the period 1973 to 1982). He joined Cemig in 1980 as an engineer in the Operational Sales Division, and is currently Chief Trading Officer.