Bill Jensen is today�s foremost expert on work complexity and cutting through clutter to what really matters. He has spent the past decade studying business�s ability to design work. (Much of what he has found horrifies him.) He is an internationally-acclaimed author and speaker with over 25 years of experience in communication and change consulting. His first book, Simplicity, has been hailed as a �breakthrough in the design of communication and understanding,� and was the Number 5 Leadership/Management book on Amazon in 2000. His next best-sellers were Work 2.0, and Simplicity Survival Handbook: 32 Ways to Do Less and Accomplish More. His latest book, What is Your Life�s Work?, captures the intimate exchanges between mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, and caring teammates, all talking about what matters at work, and in life. Bill holds degrees in Communication Design and Organizational Development. He�s CEO of The Jensen Group, whose mission is to make it easier to get stuff done. Among the Jensen Group�s clients are Bank of America, Merck, Pfizer, Duracell, NASA, The World Bank, Walt Disney World, American Express, the US Navy SEALS, the government of Ontario, Singapore Institute of Management, Guangzhou China Development District, and the Swedish Post Office. Bill�s personal life fantasy is to bicycle around the globe via breweries. |