Bill has been in the venture capital industry for over 20 years. His focus has been on enterprise software and companies related to the semiconductor industry. Bill is on the boards of PIXIM, Ubicom Semiconductor, Lightspeed Semiconductor, Verplex Design Systems, iKnowmed and is on the advisory boards of several other privately held companies. Past investments include Sandisk, Silicon Architects (acquired by Synopsys), Newport Communications (acquired by Broadcom), Simplex Solutions (acquired by Cadence) and Excess Bandwidth Corporation (acquired by Virata). Bill is also involved in many philanthropic activities including The Entrepreneurs Foundation, CARE, YouthNoise, The Institute for Women and Technology, and is on the advisory boards of the Dean of Engineering of The University of California at Berkeley and the Chancellor of the University of Illinois at Chicago. Prior to joining Mayfield in 1983, Bill was in the executive search business. He founded Positek, which successfully completed over 300 searches for the high technology industry. |