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Profile of Bobbi Stewart

Bobbi Stewart

Exec. Administrator - Sacramento, CA - James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Bobbi Stewart Email :
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Company Name : James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Company Website : www.wittassociates.com
Company Address : 1501 M St. NW
, Washington, DC,
United States,
Bobbi Stewart Profile :
Exec. Administrator - Sacramento, CA - James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Bobbi Stewart Biography :

As an Executive Administrator at James Lee Witt Associates (JLWA) fourteen state Western Regional Office, Ms. Stewart's key responsibilities include providing executive support to the Vice President of the Western Regional Office, client interaction and support and facilitation of administration and logistics in the Sacramento Office.

Prior to joining JLWA, Ms. Stewart worked with the firm Wireless Asset Management as an Auditor/Account Reconciliation Specialist, and was also a small business owner in Sacramento. In addition, she is a former Global-Cash Services Operations Analyst with Franklin Templeton Investments where she served as Project Lead and a member of several projects including the Business Continuity Plan development, Wire Automated Systems Training Programs, Global Payment Systems and Incoming Wires, and the Y2K Conversion Project. She also organized and facilitated all phases of training classes for transition of new bank systems to various business units and created and modified department manuals.

Bobbi Stewart Colleagues :
Name Title Email

James Lee Witt

Chmn., CEO Please login

Wesley Clark

Vice Chmn., Sr. Advisor - WA, DC Please login

Rodney Slater

Vice Chmn., Sr. Advisor - WA, DC Please login

Pate Felts

Sr. Advisor - Washington, DC Please login

Mark Merritt

Pres. - Atlanta, GA Please login

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