Cec�lia Mendes Garcez Siqueira Born on 06/09/1957 she majored in Psychology in 1994 from Universidade de S�o Jo�o Del Rei/MG and in Education in 1998 from Universidade de Bras�lia DF; she holds a post-graduate degree in Social Security and Pension Funds Management - Previd�ncia e Gest�o in Fundos de Pens�o and an MBA in Top Executive General Training Program - Forma��o Geral para Altos Executivos both from Funda��o Get�lio Vargas - FGV. She currently attends the Business Administration master�s course at Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais IBMEC/RJ. She is an employee of Banco do Brasil since 1979 and was assigned to Caixa de Previd�ncia do Banco do Brasil PREVI where she holds the position of Planning Director since 2004. She was a member of the Advisory Council of PREVI and of the Board of Directors of Neonergia. On 04/29/2005 she was elected the Company�s Board of Directors Vice Chairwoman. |