Chuck is an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) of the American Society of Appraisers and the New England Managing Director for Empire Valuation Consultants, LLC. He has over 16 years of professional experience providing financial consulting, business appraisals, ESOP consulting, due diligence, and expert witness testimony on business valuation matters. He has extensive experience with the valuation of business assets and interests for purposes of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), buy-sell agreements, estate and gift taxes, fairness opinions, allocation of purchase price among acquired intangible assets (SFAS 141) and goodwill impairment testing (SFAS 142), shareholder and partnership disputes, marital dissolutions, acquisitions, divestitures, and mergers. Chuck also provides ESOP feasibility studies, plan design, and implementation consulting services. He has assisted over 50 companies in exploring the feasibility of utilizing an ESOP for business succession purposes. Chuck has testified as an expert witness on valuation matters in various State Supreme Courts, U.S. Bankruptcy Court and has had his valuations accepted by the IRS and U.S. Tax Court. He has also testified as an expert witness before the American Arbitration Association. Chuck is a Member Consultant of the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), a member of the ESOP Association (TEA), and a member of the Professional Insurance Agents Circle of Consultants program. He has lectured and published articles on business valuation, mergers and acquisitions, succession planning, and ESOPs before various professional and industry groups throughout the United States. Chuck has held many local, regional and national offices with the American Society of Appraisers. On the national level, he has been a member of the Board of Governors and the Ethics Committee of the ASA. At the local level, he has held various officer positions including President of the Connecticut Chapter of ASA. Chuck holds a B.S. degree in Business Management from the University of LaVerne and an M.B.A. degree from the University of Hartford�s Barney Graduate School of Business and Public Administration. |