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Profile of Colleen Gordon

Colleen Gordon

Mgr. - Technical Sales, Professional Services - Mainstar Software Corp.
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Company Name : Mainstar Software Corp.
Company Website : www.mainstar.com
Company Address : PO Box 4132
, Bellevue, WA,
United States,
Colleen Gordon Profile :
Mgr. - Technical Sales, Professional Services - Mainstar Software Corp.
Colleen Gordon Biography :

Colleen Gordon is an industry-recognized expert on OS/390� and z/OS disaster preparedness, with over 25 years of experience in technical support, storage management, and disaster recovery. Since joining Mainstar in 1997, she has assisted many Fortune 500 companies with the design and implementation of their disaster backup and recovery procedures. Today, as Mainstar's Manager of Technical Sales and Professional Services, Colleen designs cost-effective data management solutions for all aspects of the data center, including disaster preparedness.Known for presenting detailed information in an engaging, straightforward manner, Colleen is the co-author of two IBM Redbooks� publications, DFSMShsm ABARS and Mainstar Solutions and DFSMShsm Audit and Mainstar: FastAudit/390, and has written numerous articles for industry journals, including Technical Support Magazine, Disaster Recovery Journal, and Enterprise Systems Journal. She has been a regular speaker at SHARE, Storage Symposium, z/OS and OS/390 Expo and Performance Conference, CPM, and other technical conferences .

Colleen Gordon Colleagues :
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Amerigo Baldassarri

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Bob Berry

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Steven Clar

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Reggie Culpepper

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Brett Dukes

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