Ph.D. African Linguistics, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, 1994
M.A. African Linguistics, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, 1984
Teaching qualification French for Secondary school, Teacher Training College, Amsterdam, 1969
Headmaster's qualification, Teacher Training College, Amsterdam, 1965
Current positions
SIL International Linguistics Consultant (1997-)
Lecturer/Researcher at the department of African Linguistics (now called: Department of Languages and Cultures of Africa), Leiden University, The Netherlands (Tenure position): (1997-)
Other experience
Linguistics and literacy consultant. Translation project Ngiti/Ndruna, SIL Eastern Zaire Group (1989-1997)
Linguistics and literacy consultant, Translation project Ngiti/Ndruna, SIL Eastern Africa Group (1984-1989)
Itinerant, working on phonologies, orthographies, reading primers, teacher training, also, translation project: Attie'. Later also literacy consultant, SIL Ivory Coast (1975-1983)
Teaching at primary schools in the Netherlands, (1964-1974)
Language proficiency
Dutch (my mother tongue)
English 5
French 5
German 4
Danish 4
Swahili 3
Lingala 1+
Research interests
Phonology, Tone, Morphology and Orthography of African languages. I have been in touch with all four African language families.
Particular interest and expertise in Bantu languages.
Selected publications
2004. The Sounds and Tones of Fur. In Occasional Papers in the Study of Sudanese Languages. Leoma G. Gilley ed. (with Christine Waag). SIL Nairobi, pp.1-25.
2001. Review: Valentine Vydrine: Manding-English Dictionary. Vol 1. In JALL 22-2:193-195.
1994. "KiBudu: a Bantu language with nine vowels." Africana Linguistica XI, Tervuren.
1994. "Zaire: Language Situation."The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. R.E. Asher and J.M.Y. Simpson (eds.) Vol. 9:5079-5080. Edinborough: Pergamon Press. (with R.J. Sim).
1994. "Bantu Languages." In:The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. R.E. Asher and J.M.Y. Simpson eds. Vol. 1:302-304. Edinborough: Pergamon Press.
1993. "Word boundaries: Key factors in orthography development." (with Julie R. Van Dyken). In:Alphabets of Africa,Rhonda Hartell ed.
1989. "The secret behind vowelless syllables in Lendu."Journal of African Languages and Linguistics. 11:115-126.
Selected papers presented
2004. "The Role of Tone in Lendu Locatives." Presented at the 9th Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium, Khartoum.
2003. "The Noun-Class System of YAKA (C.10)." Presented at the 34th ACAL / 4th WOCAL conference, Rutgers University, NJ.
2002. "Vowel Harmony: The behaviour of the vowel /a/ in [+ATR] environment." Presented at the Workshop on the Phonology of African Languages, Vienna.
2002. "Tonal Polarity in Fur." Presented at the 33rd ACAL, Athens, Ohio.
2001. "Coreference in Ngiti." Presented at the 8th Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Conference, Hamburg.
2001. "Class 9/10 morphophonology and the two /v/-sounds in Giryama." Presented at the 32nd ACAL, Berkeley, CA.
2001. "Thoughts on Eliciting Tonal Data." Presented at the TAPS (Typology of African Prosodic Systems), Bielefeld, Germany.
2000. "Depressor Consonants in African Languages." Presented at the Tone Symposium, Tromso�, Norway. |