Dr. David A. Alexander received a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado (CU) at Boulder in 1996 for plasma physics research in the area of confinement properties of a fusion device. During his thesis research, Dr. Alexander developed numerous FORTRAN programs that automate data taking and data analysis in plasma. Continuing on at CU, he developed interactive Java applets in the academic area of planetary science for the Solar System Collaboratory Website.
Joining Tech-X Corporation in 1997, he has concentrated on the user experience including education, user interfaces, and data analysis processes. He has developed educational Java applets and has produced a commercial software package and published in this area. In addition to being an expert in developing Java graphical user interfaces, he also has extensive experience in Grid technology. For example, he has used Open Science Grid middleware to build a system for the Java Analysis Studio package developed by Dr. Tony Johnson at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, which makes it easier for the user to leverage Grid resources in high energy physics data analysis. He has also developed a system for users to easily construct data analysis work flows within the software framework used by the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Finally, he has been a major author and architect in many projects involving client-server middle layers such as RMI, CORBA, and Web Services and rich clients such as Java applications, Web page coding, and browser scripting. |