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Profile of David Batstone

David Batstone

Dir., Professor, Speaker, Consultant - TWL Corp
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Company Name : TWL Corp
Company Website : www.trinitycompanies.com
Company Address : 4101 International Pk.way
, Carrollton, TX,
United States,
David Batstone Profile :
Dir., Professor, Speaker, Consultant - TWL Corp
David Batstone Biography :

Professor, Speaker, Consultant: David Batstone, Ph.D., is Professor of Ethics in the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at the University of San Francisco. He received his B.A. with a major in Psychology from Westmont College in Santa Barbara. After studying for a year at the International Baptist Seminary in Ruschlikon Switzerland, he finished his M.Div. at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley. He remained in Berkeley to complete the doctorate program at the Graduate Theological Union. Following graduation, he taught at the GTU for three years. He then took up a faculty post at USF in 1994. In 1998-1999 he was named National Endowment for the Humanities Chair at USF for his work in technology and ethics.

Batstone teaches the senior capstone course in ethics. He also serves as the co-professor of the Erasmus Program, a living-learning community that explores across a school year what justice means within the United States and globally.

Batstone is widely published in both the academy and in the popular press. His five books address ethical issues at the crossroads of politics, economy, and spirituality. His most recent book, Saving the Corporate Soul & (Who Knows?) Maybe Your Own, won the Nautilus Award for "2004 Best Business Book." Due to his work in business ethics, USA (Today) Weekend called Batstone "one of the country's leading authorities on ethics in the business world."

In 1997, Batstone was a member of the founding team that launched Business 2.0 magazine. The magazine burst on the national scene with the National Magazine Awards "Best New Magazine" in the USA. Time-Warner acquired the magazine in 2001.

Today, Batstone serves as Executive Editor of Sojourners magazine, which Folio awarded in both 2003 and 2004 as the "Best Religious/Spiritual Magazine" in the United States. In addition to his part in the leadership team, Batstone initiated and directs SojoMail, an online news and perspective that is delivered weekly to over 200,000 subscribers.

Batstone also serves at present as Senior Editor of a business magazine, Worthwhile. He writes a column for the print edition and puts out a weekly e-letter, the WAG, that gives commentary on business news through the same lens as Saving the Corporate Soul

David Batstone Colleagues :
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Dennis Cagan

Chmn., CEO, Pres. Please login

Richard Thau

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William Jobe

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Douglas Cole

Vice Chmn., Board Dir. Please login

Pat Quinn

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