Mr. Bluestein s most recent work focuses on DSM Resource Assessment, including data collection and review. He has been working closely with Gary Cullen in the Northwest office to create and utilize an Excel based DSM Model called the Resource Assessment Model (RAM). This model will be used to complete DSM studies for Kansas, Colorado Springs, and Hoosier Energy. Mr. Bluestein also has extensive Technical Writing experience with Nautilus and Electric Lightwave and is currently assisting the Summit Blue editing department with various projects. Recent project experience includes: Collecting Utility, Customer, and Technical data for Kansas for use in the DSM Model potential studies. Updating and maintaining Measure Analysis Sheets for the Baltimore Gas and Electric DSM study. Proposal Editing and Technical Writing projects. Before joining Summit Blue, Mr. Bluestein worked as a Technical Writer and Instructional Designer with Nautilus Fitness and Electric Lightwave, both based in Vancouver, Washington. He received a BA in English and in Philosophy from Portland State University. |