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Profile of David Lineweber

David Lineweber

Sr. Partner, Pres. - Momentum Market Intelligence Inc.
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Company Name : Momentum Market Intelligence Inc.
Company Website : www.mointel.com
Company Address : 220 NW 2nd Ave.
Ste. 600, Portland, OR,
United States,
David Lineweber Profile :
Sr. Partner, Pres. - Momentum Market Intelligence Inc.
David Lineweber Biography :

Dr. David Lineweber brings 20 years of experience providing marketing and marketing research services to clients in the fields of telecommunications, energy, and information technology. David has particular experience in developing client-specific customer and/or market segmentation models, customer satisfaction models, customer choice forecasting models, and tools that facilitate the inclusion of customer needs information into the design and development of new services and technologies. David�s focus remains one of working closely with clients to tailor the research design and research tools used in each engagement to provide the insight necessary to meet the client�s driving business questions, whether those are strategic or tactical.Prior to joining MMI, David was a member of the senior staff at Primen, PHB/Hagler Bailly, and Booz, Allen, & Hamilton�s National Analysts division.

David Lineweber Colleagues :
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Michael Malone

Chmn., Founder Please login

Doss Struse

Sr. Partner, CEO Please login

Chuck Sanderson

Sr. Partner - Operations Please login

Mary Fisher

Sr. Partner Please login

Brian Cavoto

Sr. Partner Please login

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