Mr. Finkelstein joined the Company in the beginning of 2000 as a special technical adviser. Mr. Finkelstein was instrumental in establishing its Software Development Department. As a Director of the Software Development Department, Mr. Finkelstein is managing development efforts dedicated to FX3000 trading platform. While at the Company, Mr. Finkelstein assembled a number of talented and dedicated software professionals into a creative and productive development team with a high level of software engineering culture and challenging goals. More importantly, Mr. Finkelstein helped establish the Company's software development process and quality assurance standards and practices designed to provide consistent quality control in all aspects of the Company's technology development. With his broad software engineering experience Mr. Finkelstein also took part in the development of high-level design and architectural concepts for the next generation of the FX3000 platform and has been managing all the analytical, design, implementation and testing activities for subsequent FX3000 releases. Mr. Finkelstein holds a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics from St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics. |