Donna Matties has extensive experience in advising school districts, county offices of education, and community college districts on various issues regarding general school law, personnel, student rights and student discipline. Her experience includes conducting complex investigations involving both personnel and pupils. Ms. Matties has represented school districts in tenured teacher dismissals and classified discipline hearings. She successfully represented one district in a complex termination case from the initial administrative hearing through the appeal to the California Supreme Court. Ms. Matties is a frequent lecturer on school law topics with the California School Boards Association. She has been a speaker at the California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance on stipulated student expulsions and internet usage issues. She also conducts trainings for school districts on expulsion hearings along with sexual harassment, employee performance evaluations, the Brown Act and school safety trainings. She has authored articles and brochures on student discipline, student searches, and student-to-student sexual harassment. She is a contributor to the firm�s education law publications. Memberships and Affiliations California Council of School Attorneys, Member Sacramento County Bar Association, Member State Bar of California, Member |