E.J. DiPaolo served as a Class I director from May 1999 until December 4 2002 when he resigned. He subsequently rejoined the Board in September 2003. Mr. DiPaolo serves as a Class II director for a term that will expire on the date of the annual meeting of stockholders scheduled for calendar year 2008. Mr. DiPaolo also serves on the Audit and Compensation Committees. Since August of 2003 Mr. DiPaolo has been a consultant with Growth Capital Partners L.P. a company engaged in investments and merchant banking. Mr. DiPaolo was the Senior Vice President Global Business Development of Halliburton Energy Services having had responsibility for all worldwide business development activities until his retirement in 2002. Mr. DiPaolo was employed at Halliburton Energy Services from 1976 until his retirement and held progressive positions of responsibility.E.J. "Jed" DiPaolo has served as a director from May 1999 to December 4 2002 then was reappointed on September 30 2003. Mr. DiPaolo serves as a Class II director for a term that will expire on the date of our annual meeting of stockholders in 2008. Since August of 2003 Mr. DiPaolo has provided consulting services to Growth Capital Partners L.P. a company engaged in investments and merchant banking. Mr. DiPaolo was the Senior Vice President Global Business Development of Halliburton Energy Services having had responsibility for all worldwide business development activities until his retirement in 2002. Mr. DiPaolo was employed at Halliburton Energy Services from 1976 until his retirement in progressive positions of responsibility. |