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Profile of Edgar Calove

Edgar Calove

GM - Menke Group
Edgar Calove Email :
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Company Name : Menke Group
Company Website : www.menke.com
Company Address : 255 California St.
10th Fl., San Francisco, CA,
United States,
Edgar Calove Profile :
GM - Menke Group
Edgar Calove Biography :

Edgar D. Calove is Systems Coordinator and General Manager of BSI. Since joining BSI�s accounting staff in 1978, Mr. Calove has contributed his considerable talent for organization to virtually every department serving as Accountant, Controller, Systems Specialist, Plan Administrator and most recently, General Manager. In addition to overseeing the general operation of the company, Mr. Calove has overseen the migration of BSI�s proprietary ESOP and 401(k) administration and recordkeeping systems from an IBM mini-computer based format to a user-oriented network, with a dramatic improvement in client service. Mr. Calove holds a B. S. in Business Administration with a major in Accounting from the University of The East, Manila, Philippines.

Edgar Calove Colleagues :
Name Title Email

John Menke

Pres., CEO Please login

Richard Rose

MD - Investment Banking Please login

Bruce Armstrong

Sr. VP Please login

Sherman Coultas

MD - Investment Banking Please login

Phillip Dedominicis

MD - Investment Banking Please login

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