Eileen is the color of the office (since that would be off-white walls with black trim, blond floors and walnut furniture, I have no idea what this means). Eileen once pursued a degree in psychiatric social work, training that serves her well as office manager at Ivory. Titanic makes her cry, even after 127 viewings, and even after Joseph has forwarded to her every unflattering article on the movie that has appeared to date. Crucial info: Eileen handles billing, and is Activation Queen. She has 3 daughters, 4 grandchildren and a cat with attitude ("I'll shed wherever I want - deal with it"). She also wins hands down the Longest Pointless Commute award, with a scenic 75-mile jaunt both to and from the thriving metropolis of Lodi. What some people won't do to wake up with alfalfa in their hair. |