Mr. Kulick comes to the Goldmark team as Chairman of Pegasus International with expertise advising multi-national corporations on mergers, acquisitions, financings and strategic planning in foreign markets. In addition, he is a White House Appointee to the Board of The Central Asian-American Enterprise Fund while serving as a board member of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the Brussels-based International Crisis Group (ICG). Formerly, Mr. Kulick co-authored Thailand's Turn: Profile of a New Dragon (St. Martins Press 1992/1994; White Lotus 1996). Originally trained as an international lawyer, Mr. Kulick began his career with a wide variety of legal and consulting assignments for such companies as Mobil International and Booz, Allen & Hamilton in Europe, The United States and Africa. He holds degrees from Oxford University and The University of Chicago. Mr. Kulick is based in London. |