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Profile of Everette James

Everette James

Sr. Advisor to the Governor - Pennsylvania Lottery
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Company Name : Pennsylvania Lottery
Company Website : www.palottery.state.pa.us
Company Address : 2850 Turnpike Industrial Dr.
, Middletown, PA,
United States,
Everette James Profile :
Sr. Advisor to the Governor - Pennsylvania Lottery
Everette James Biography :

On March 12, 2007, Gov. Edward G. Rendell appointed Everette James, a regulatory lawyer and former federal official, to serve as a senior advisor. He will help with several major initiatives, including Governor Rendell's Energy Independence Strategy, Prescription for Pennsylvania health care reform and developing long-term solutions to the needs of the state�s pension system.

Most recently, James was a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene and MacRae. His federal, state and international government practice focused on regulatory and compliance matters. From 1996-2000, he served as senior advisor and deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

During his federal service, James managed the Office of Finance, the Office of Service Industries, the Office of Export Company Trading Affairs and he served on numerous federal commissions and task forces. In addition, James served as chairperson of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development�s Working Party on Private Pensions, which conducted significant research and advised governments on pension legislation and reform.

James received a bachelor degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his law degree and masters in business administration from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. He lives in West Chester with his wife, Gretchen, and their two daughters.

Everette James Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Edward Rendell

Governor, Commonwealth Pennsylvania Please login

Gregory Fajt

Chief - Staff Please login

Roy Kienitz

Dep. Chief - Staff Please login

Steven Kniley

Dep. Chief - Staff Please login

Scott Roy

Dep. Chief - Staff Please login

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