Farimah Schuerman has successfully introduced innovative educational technology products to the higher education and K-12 markets for more than 20 years. A recognized leader in the industry, Farimah works with companies that deliver education via all formats of media, including new and emerging technologies, and has done considerable work with companies that specialize in community building platforms for education. She has also worked with more than one dozen start-up ventures. Her areas of expertise include business development, sales and strategic marketing for e-learning and video-based learning companies. Throughout her career, Farimah has been adept at identifying, hiring and training candidates who work effectively as a team. In addition, she has been instrumental in forming strategic relationships and joint ventures with such companies as The New York Times, Apple Computer, IBM, and Pioneer New Media. Farimah served as Executive Marketing Manager at Pearson Education Distance Learning, a start-up of Pearson Learning, the largest education publisher in the world. Farimah headed the marketing team that put Pearson solidly in the forefront of online education by coordinating and managing all sales and marketing communications, supporting a field sales force of 500+ with information and print collateral, and managing the Distance Learning Web site. Previously, Farimah launched the online effort College NewsLink for the Higher Education Group of Simon & Schuster. She helped form this joint venture with the New York Times, and managed all sales and marketing initiatives. Farimah graduated Salutatorian from Pace University with a BS in Elementary Education. |