Fay Johnson is in charge of technical support and administration for our Contract Preparation Systems. She has provided software and technical support to almost 4,000 RV, Marine, Motorcyle and Music dealers nationwide. When not working with the dealers, she is responsible for our internal administration and accounting. This also includes providing administration support for activities going on in the field, such as scheduling communications for the sales office automation projects we've been involved in. Fay began her involvement with SOFTRITE in the early 90s in charge of Accounting System conversion, training and support for our clients. Over the years she has also been responsible for many of the special projects we have taken on, such as mass mailing and database marketing services. Prior to joining our firm, Fay held positions as bookeeper, administrative assistant and office manager. In these prior positions, she twice led the conversion from manual systems to fully automated accounting systems for two of her employers. And in case you are wondering, yes, she and Denny are married! |