He was born in Marano principato (CS) in 1941. Graduated in Law at the University "La Sapienza", Rome. Auditor, Lawyer and Professor of legal and economic matters in high schools. He holds positions of responsibility in the Minister of Economics and Finance. He held the offices of: Chairman of the Board Auditor of the Mediocredito Piemontese and Fondo Interbancario di Garanzia, effective Auditor of Credito Cinematografico e Teatrale - B.N.L. (Department of entertainment financing of B.N.L.) and CONSIP S.p.A. He is currently effective auditor of the Consap S.p.A. and SICOT s.r.l. and Vice-Chairman for the agevolated financing of the Mediocredito Centrale S.p.A. Since May 2005 he is alternate Statutory Auditor of Eni S.p.A..