Gary M. Gray, M.D. is Professor of Medicine, Emeritus, in the Stanford University School of Medicine, and President of the Celiac Sprue Research Foundation. After graduating from the University of Washington where he was inspired by the late Wade Volwiler and Cyrus Rubin about the importance of the small intestine in absorption and nutrition, Dr. Gray migrated to New York�s Cornell�s Bellevue-Memorial Hospital program in Internal Medicine. After a senior medical residency at Western Reserve University, he received extensive training in gastroenterology in Boston University Medical Center, with emphasis on intestinal function and nutrient absorption under the guidance of the late Franz Ingelfinger. After additional experience with an endemic small intestinal disease, Tropical Sprue, at the U.S. Army Tropical Research Laboratory in Puerto Rico, he joined the full-time faculty at Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Gray carried out research on intestinal digestion and absorption, emphasizing the molecular biochemical events that control the intestinal surface digestion of peptides and carbohydrates, supported by grants from the NIH. He was the Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology at Stanford for many years and was the initial Director of the NIH Digestive Disease Center for 10 years. Since becoming Professor of Medicine, emeritus, Dr Gray has continued teaching and seeing patients with gastrointestinal diseases, focusing on the disease Celiac Sprue at Stanford�s new Celiac Management Clinic. In addition, he has established a substantial collaboration with Professor Chaitan Khosla of the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry on the basic aspects of developing new therapies for those afflicted with Celiac Sprue. Dr. Gray joined Professor Khosla at the Celiac Sprue Research Foundation at its inception and has now succeeded him as President of the Foundation. |