Gilad Ramot the Chairman of our board of directors since April 2001 is a director and the Chief Executive Officer of Del-Ta Engineering a holding company and a defense and aerospace consulting and marketing firm that is one of our principal shareholders. Mr. Ramot has been the Chief Executive Officer of Del-Ta Engineering since January 2001. He serves as the Chairman of the Board of General Engineers Ltd. and General Engineers Lighting and Power Protection Ltd. companies engaged in the distribution marketing and servicing of various electrical equipment as a director of Del-Ta Elkon Mechanical Products Ltd. an importer of bearing and mechanical components and as the President of Delta Systems the representative of Raytheon Company in Israel. Mr. Ramot who is a Brigadier General (res.) in the Israel Defense Forces served as the Israeli Defense Forces' Air Defense Forces Commander from 1994 to 1998. He holds a B.A. in Social Science from Bar-Ilan University Israel and an M.A. in Management from the Air War High College France. |