is the principal founder of Magnus. He has been the President and CEO of the Company since November 24, 2003. Mr. Taylor is also the founder and President of Technique Capital Corporation, which was founded in 1999 and is a venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate advisory firm for North American and international companies. Mr. Taylor has ten years of experience in the world of global finance, having started his finance career in the investment industry in London, England with the international investment banks Nomura International and Banque National de Paris. In 1996, he returned to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to establish himself as a financier to small cap companies publicly listed in Canada and in the United States. Since that time, Mr. Taylor has been involved in private and public securities deal structuring and financing for a variety of companies spanning several different industries. Mr. Taylor attended the University of British Columbia as well as Simon Fraser University in British Columbia and has qualified to graduate with a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (BBA). |