H�lio Viana Pereira Born on 02/09/1954 he majored in Electrical Engineering from Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajub� EFEI in 1976 with specialization in Industrial Quality Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas and a postgraduate degree in Electrical Energy Business Management from Funda��o Get�lio Vargas and USP. Mr. H�lio Viana Pereira worked for the following companies: Eletrobr�s as Rural Electrification Department Engineer (1976/1978) Companhia de Eletricidade de Bras�lia - CEB as Underground Networks Studies Area Engineer and Public Lighting Division Manager (1978/1981); at he held several positions of trust in its core area at CESP - Companhia Energ�tica de S�o Paulo such as Operating Control Supervisor and Operations Manager (1981/1999). At CPFL Paulista he held the position of Planning and Modernization Department Manager from May to August 2000. In September 2000 he took on the position of Distribution Vice Chairman of CPFL Paulista and CPFL Piratininga. In addition he is the Director of Santa Cruz and a member of the Board of Directors of RGE. Mr. H�lio Viana Pereira is the Company�s Distribution Vice Chairman since 08/28/2002.