Until 1999 Professor Eul was General Manager of the Digital TeleCom and Data Com ICs operations at Siemens.
When Infineon was formed, he took over the Wireless Baseband and Systems Business Group as Vice President and General Manager. From 2001 to 2002 he was responsible for Security & Chip Card ICs operations as Chief Executive Officer.
In 2003 he was appointed as full Professor and Head of Faculty Chair for RF-Technology and Radio-Systems at the Hanover University. In 2004 he returned to Infineon where he first managed the Wireline Communications business group as Senior Vice President and General Manager and then, following the reorganization, he became the Group Vice President and General Manager of the Communication Solutions business group. Professor Eul studied electrical engineering and has a doctorate and professorate in engineering.
Prof. Dr. Hermann Eul became a member of the Management Board in July 2005. He is responsible for the Communication Solutions business group. |