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Profile of Iain Conn

Iain Conn

Chief Exec. - Refining, Marketing - BP PLC
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Company Name : BP PLC
Company Website : www.bp.com
Company Address : 1 St. James Sq.
, London, ,
United Kingdom,
Iain Conn Profile :
Chief Exec. - Refining, Marketing - BP PLC
Iain Conn Biography :

Group responsibilities: In his role as an executive director of the BP Group, Iain Conn has regional responsibility for Asia, the Indian Sub-Continent and Australasia together with Europe (including the UK), Russia, the Middle East, the Caspian and Africa. He has functional responsibility for Safety & Operations, Human Resource Management, Digital Business, Procurement and Pension Operations.

Education: Iain was born in Edinburgh, educated in Musselburgh, Scotland and subsequently studied chemical engineering and management at The Imperial College, London.

Career: Iain was previously chief executive of BP�s petrochemicals segment, the third largest petrochemicals business in the world, with over 16,000 employees and large-scale manufacturing plants in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Before that he worked in BP�s downstream segment as group vice president responsible for BP�s marketing operations in Europe. He was also responsible for the integration of Veba Oel into the BP organisation and had regional responsibility for BP in Europe. Additionally he was a member of the executive committee for BP�s global refining and marketing business and in 2000 he held responsibility for markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America. His career with BP began in commercial refining and oil trading but over the last 12 years he has spent time in various roles in Exploration & Production, Refining & Marketing and in Group headquarters.

External roles: Non-executive Director of Rolls-Royce Group plc Board.

Chairman of the Advisory Board of The Imperial College London Tanaka Business School.

Iain Conn Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Andrew Inglis

Board Dir., CEO - Exploration, Production Please login

Vivienne Cox

Exec. VP, CEO - Alternative Energy Please login

Sara Bott

Dir. - Group HR Please login

David Allen

Dir. , Group MD Please login

Peter Bevan

Group General Counsel Please login

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