Ph.D. Educational Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 1992
Graduate Certificate Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 1992
M.A. in Liberal Studies, State University of New York, Brockport College, 1980
Current positions
International Anthropology Consultant (2006- )
Brazil Education Coordinator (2005- )
International Literacy Consultant (2005- )
Brazil SIL Head of Government Relations (2002- )
Brazil SIL Anthropology Coordinator (1995- )
Other experience
Director of Language Development and Literature Use Workshops, Guinea Bissau: Balanta, Papel and Bijago language groups, respectively (2002, 2003).
American Anthropology Association (AAA) (intermittantly since early 1980's)
The Council on Anthropology and Education. (Unit of the American Anthropological Association) (intermittantly since early 1980's)
The Society for Latin American Anthropology (Unit of the American Anthropological Association) (intermittantly since early 1980's)
Associa��o Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA) (intermittantly since early 1980's)
Comparative And International Education Society (CIES) (1988-92)
Language proficiency
Portuguese: Level 4
French: Level 2+ in understanding
Spanish: Level 2+ in understanding
Italian: Level 1+ in understanding
Kayap� (Indigenous Bazilian Language): Level 1+
Research interests
Knowledge transmission in traditional societies
Contextualizing content according to cultural patterns of target group
Issues of conflicting worldviews in educational settings
Inclusion of people with special needs in schooling within traditional societies"
Selected publications
Publications in SIL International Bibliography
2005. "Escolas ind�genas e educa��o especial." in Ind�genas do Brasil: avaliando a miss�o da igreja. Org. Ronaldo Lid�rio. Editora Ultimato Ltda. Vi�osa, MG. C�pitulo 13:173-188.
2004. "And I, In My Turn, Will Pass It On." Language Use and Education No. 2.
2001. "Conflitos de cosmovis�o no ensino--educa��o ind�gena" in Capacitando, mar�o.
2000. ""Racismo e seu efeito no campo mission�rio" in Capacitando, julho.
1998. "Educa��o ind�gena Kayap�: orienta��o para professores n�o-Kayap�." em Amer�ndia: Tecendo os caminhos da educa��o escolar. Org. Darci Secchi.
1997. "Kayapo kinship and two-way radios" in Notes on Anthropology and Intercultural Community Work, pp. 3-15.
Selected papers presented
2004. "Escolas ind�genas e educa��o especial." Paper presented at the 3� Semin�rio Integrador de Educa��o: "Educa��o, Trabalho e Inclus�o para a Transforma��o Social". in Canarana, MT [Mato Grosso,] Brazil.
2001. "Usando o m�todo dial�gico no ensino". Presented at the Consulta Nacional da Associa��o de Professores de Miss�es no Brasil. Petr�polis, RJ [Rio de Janeiro], Brazil.
1999. "Conflitos de cosmovis�o no ensino-educa��o ind�gena" Presented at the 12? COLE (Congresso de Leitura do Brasil) e III Encontro de Cultura e Educa��o Ind�gena. UNICAMP. Campinas, SP [S�o Paulo], Brazil.
1996. "Parentesco Kayap� e Radiocommunica��o". Presented at the AAA XX Reuni�o Brasileira de Antropologia. Salvador, Bahia.
1995. "Kayapo Kinship and Two-way Radios." Presented at the AAA XX Annual Meetings, Washington, DC. USA.
1991. "Liberating the Oppressor: Consciousness-Raising Education in the Brazilian Indigenous Movement". Presented at the Comparative International Education Society (CIES), in Past President's Panel entitled "Ways of Knowing". |