Ms. Clegg currently serves as a Founder and Managing Partner of Clegg International Consultants, L.L.C, or CIC. CIC is a small consulting firm focusing on strategic advice, crisis management and Washington representation, especially for businesses with an international interest. In July 2003, Ms. Clegg joined the board of directors of Blockbuster Inc., where she serves as an independent member on both the Audit Committee and the Executive Compensation Committee and is Chair of the Special Committee. During Ms. Clegg�s 20 year career in Washington, DC, she worked in the U.S. Congress on defense appropriations and foreign affairs; as a Senate confirmed member of the Executive Branch serving as the Vice Chair of the board of directors, First Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. She also served as the principal staff member on the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Subcommittee on International Finance & Monetary Policy. Ms. Clegg was responsible for developing strategy and for drafting changes to the Export Administration Act, Credit Reform Act, the Defense Production Act and Fair Trade in Financial Services legislation among others.