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Profile of Jay Lucker

Jay Lucker

Member - Advisory Board - Audiology Online Inc.
Jay Lucker Email :
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Company Name : Audiology Online Inc.
Company Website : www.audiologyonline.com
Company Address : 5282 Medical Dr.
Ste. 150, San Antonio, TX,
United States,
Jay Lucker Profile :
Member - Advisory Board - Audiology Online Inc.
Jay Lucker Biography :

Present Professional Employment

Aug 2003 Present

Associate Professor

Dept. of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Howard University

Washington, DC

August 1999 -Present

Private Practice in Audiology

Specializing in Auditory Processing

Alexandria & Ashburn VA, Bethesda, MD,

Long Island, NY

(Listing of professional employment prior to 1999 available on request)

Positions Held Related to the Professions

July 2005 - present

Member of the Maryland State Licensing Board in Audiololgy, Hearing Aid Dispensing, and Speech,Language Pathology

Aug 1999 - present

Co-founder, President, Chair of the Board, National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders (NCAPD) (www.ncapd.org)

Major Publications (2003 present)

Lucker, J.R. (2007). History of Auditory Processing Disorders in Children. In D. Geffner and D. Ross-Swain, Auditory Processing Disorders for Speech-Language Pathologists San Diego: Plural Publishers.

Lucker, J.R. (2007). Sample Cases in APD. In D. Geffner and D. Ross-Swain, Auditory Processing Disorders for Speech-Language Pathologists San Diego: Plural Publishers. [Contributed to this edited chapter of the book; one entire case study is my contribution]

Lucker, J.R. (2006, April). What are auditory processing disorders really all about?

Part II: Assessment & Treatment. Listen Up, Fall Edition, 1+.

Lucker, J.R. (2006, March). What are auditory processing disorders really all about? Part I. Listen Up, Spring Edition, 1+.

Lucker, J.R. (2005, November) SSW Reports. [entire issue of this journal focusing on APD testing in very young children - also available on-line at (www.ncapd.org).

Lucker, J.R. (2005). The importance of communication in helping clients adjust to hearing aids. Advance for Audiologists.

Lucker, J.R. (2005). Working with children with auditory processing disorders. Self-study course for continuing education (CEU) from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) [audiotape]

Lucker, J.R. (2005). Working with children with auditory processing disorders. Self-study course for continuing education (CEU) from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) [VHS video & CD-ROM version]

Lucker, J.R. (2005). Counseling issues for audiologists working in schools. The ASHA Leader (April issue).

Lucker, J.R., & Molloy, A.T. (2005). Grandparents and siblings. Electronic publication available on-line at the OtiKids website [www.otikids.oticon.com/]

Lucker, J.R., & Molloy, A.T. (2005). Adjusting to a child's hearing loss. Electronic publication available on-line at the OtiKids website [www.otikids.oticon.com/]

Lucker, J.R., & Molloy, A.T. (2005). Specific problems grandparents may face. Electronic publication available on-line at the OtiKids website [www.otikids.oticon.com/]

Lucker, J.R., & Molloy, A.T. (2005). Relating to the hearing impaired grandchild. Electronic publication available at the OtiKids website [www.otikids.oticon.com/]

Lucker, J.R., & Molloy, A.T. (2005). Specific problems siblings may face. Electronic publication available at the OtiKids website [www.otikids.oticon.com/]

Lucker, J.R., & Molloy, A.T. (2005). Questions from the surroundings. Electronic publication available at the OtiKids website [www.otikids.oticon.com/]

Lucker, J.R., & Molloy, A.T. (2005). Involving the entire family. Electronic publication available at the OtiKids website [www.otikids.oticon.com/]

Lucker, J.R., & Molloy, A.T. (2005). Making successful adjustments. Electronic publication available at the OtiKids website [www.otikids.oticon.com/]

Molloy, A.T., & Lucker, J. R. (2005). Resource list. Electronic publication available at the OtiKids website [www.otikids.oticon.com/]

Lucker, J.R. (Fall 2004). Advertising your practice on a shoe-string budget. Advance for Audiologists, Nov issue

Lucker, J.R. (Spring 2003). What audiologists need to add APD to their practices. Advance for Audiologist.

Lucker, J.R., & Molloy, A.T. (Fall, 2003). Counseling issues with elderly clients and their families. Communication Disorders in the Geriatric Population. Publication of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

Lucker, J.R. (2003) APD testing in bilinguals: A case study. SSW Reports, 25 (4), 1-5.

Lucker, J.R. (2003). Anatomy and physiology of hearing, hearing impairment, and treatment. In M.A. Hersh & M.A. Johnson (Eds.) Assistive Technology for the Hearing-Impaired, Deaf, and Deaf-Blind. (pp. 1-40) London: Springer.

Lucker, J.R. (2003). Alarm and alerting systems for hearing-impaired and deaf people. In M.A. Hersh & M.A. Johnson (Eds.) Assistive technology for the Hearing-Impaired, Deaf, and Deaf-Blind.(pp. 215-256) London: Springer.

(Listing of publications prior to 2003 available on request)

Presentation (2006 present)

Lucker, J.R. (throughout 2007). Helping children with auditory processing disorders. Seminars presented for CEU credits on a monthly basis throughout the United States, check www.MEDS-PDN.com website for the most recent up to date listing

Lucker, J.R. (May, 2007). Understanding auditory processing disorders in boys with 47, XXY. Invited presentation made at the 2007 ACCESS conference sponsored by AAKSIS, Chicago, IL.

Lucker, J.R. (2007, Mar). Understanding auditory processing disorders in children. Invited presentation, keynote speaker, short course 2007 Annual Convention of the North Carolina Speech-Language-Hearing Association, North Raleigh, NC.

Lucker, J.R. (2007, Mar). Demystifying APD in Children. Invited presentation, seminar presented at the Annual Pediatric Symposium, Boston, MA.

Lucker, J.R. (throughout 2006). Working with children with auditory processing disorders. Seminars presented for CEU credits on a monthly basis throughout the United States, check www.MEDS-PDN.com website for the most recent up to date listing

Lucker, J.R. (2006, Oct.) Auditory Processing in Boys with 47, XXY. Invited presentation made at the 2007 Conference on Boys & Adolescents with 47,XXY sponsored by K.S. & A., Philadelphia, PA.

Lucker, J.R. & Molloy, A.T. (2006, March). Effective Communication: A Family Affair. Seminar presented at the 2006 Annual Convention of the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia, Williamsburg, VA.

Lucker, J.R. (2006, March). Developing Effective Treatments for Children with Auditory Processing Disorders. Seminar presented at the 2006 Annual Convention of the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia, Williamsburg, VA.

Lucker, J.R. (2006, March). Auditory Process Disorders & the Trisomy X & XYY Populations. Invited, featured presentation made at the First Ever National Trisomy X, 47,XYY & Associates. M.I.N.D. Institute @ U.C. Davis, Sacramento, CA.

Jay Lucker Colleagues :
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Paul Dybala

Pres., Editor - in - Chief Please login

Joanne Slater

News, Information Mgr., Continuing Education Administrator Please login

Nancy Aarts

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Debra Joan Berger Abel

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Faith Wurm Akin

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