Since 10/03 : Chief Executive Officer
04/03 - 10/03 : President of the Pharmacy and Agrochemicals Division
01/02 - 04/03 : President of the Fine Organics Division
2001 : Worldwide Purchasing Director, Member of the Executive Committee
1999 - 2000 : President, Rhodia Eco Services
1996 - 1999 : President, Chemical Sector, Latin America Zone, Rhodia
1993 - 1996 : Manager, Automotive Pollution Control Project, Chemical Sector, Rh�ne-Poulenc
1991 - 1993 : Technical Adviser to Martine Aubry, Minister of Labor, Employment and Professional Training
1988 - 1991 : Manager responsible for the "Localization of Industrial and Service-Industry Activities" at the Bureau for Town and Country Planning and Regional Action (DATAR)
1986 - 1988 : General Secretary, Regional Affairs reporting to the Prefet of the Champagne-Ardennes Region
1984 - 1986 : Deputy Director for Industry and Research of the Champagne-Ardennes Region
1981-1983 : Training Cycle for �Corps des Mines� Engineers
1978-1981 : Ecole Nationale Sup�rieure des Mines, Paris