Jeff brings the firm a myriad of hands on experience that would be an asset to any company.
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer + Security Windows 2003
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer + Security Windows 2000
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator + Security Windows 2003
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator + Security Windows 2000
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer on Windows 2003
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer on Windows 2000
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator on Windows 2003
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator on Windows 2000
Microsoft Certified Professional on Windows XP
Microsoft Certified Professional on Windows 2000
CompTIA Security +
Cisco Certified Network Administrator
Instructor level knowledge on Microsoft Office 97 through 2003
Instructor level knowledge on Microsoft Windows 98 through XP
Department of Defense network security trained
Web page development and hosting
Hands on Microsoft SQL Server experience
Novell Netware background, ranging from 3.10 to 4.12
Jeff came to us via Datasync Internet/American MetroCom in December 1999. He is a 14 year Air Force veteran, serving in the Gulf War prior to his separation and transition into the civilian work place.
Jeff is a member of St. Paul United Methodist Church in Ocean Springs, the South Mississippi Methodist Cursillo, a lifetime member of VFW Post 5699, and a 32� Scottish Rite Mason.
Jeff's hobbies (obviously) include computers; however, he likes to spend quality time with his wife and two cats Destructeaux and Tibeaux. His oldest son is currently serving in the US Army as an infantryman at Fort Lewis, Washington, and his youngest is employed with Ocean Springs Lumber.
Without Jeff's experience and expertise, we wouldn't be able to offer our clients the quality Information Technology services we now have. He has enabled our firm to not only offer an excellent tax product, he has enabled us to offer quality hardware, software and support to our clients. Stephen Theobald, Managing Director.
Being at the firm has challenged me in many ways. Not only am I managing our internal network and telecommunications equipment, I also offer my services and experience to our clients. The biggest challenge is partnering with companies so we can offer our clients the best product that is available. That is why we offer Laserfiche Document Imaging software, Net Integration Servers, Compaq/HP systems as well as a host of other hardware and software solutions. We're not out to give the client something a vendor wants to sell so he can clear out inventory, we want to give them something that best suits their needs, and will last them for years to come. And I will never sell a customer something they don't need. Jeff Mortenson, Information Technology Manager