Jennifer Scroggin joined NuTech Energy Alliance in 2004. She currently manages the marketing and growth of the NuStim Business Unit.
Ms. Scroggin graduated with distinction from the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering. In her several years since graduation, Ms. Scroggin has gained significant industry experience as:
NuStim Business Development Manager responsible for developing area-specific case studies, technical product deliveries, and project presentations.
Completion Engineer/Associate Completion Engineer with NuTech Energy providing diagnostic fracture injection test analysis, production history matching, oil/gas in place calculations, perforation optimization, and post-frac analysis. Additional responsibilities included optimized completion recommendations based on petrophysical, geomechanical, fracture, and reservoir model results and calibrating localized geomechanical, fracture, and reservoir models as parts of multi-well studies.
Engineer- in-Training with Chesapeake Energy training in fracture stimulation and design, deep well completion techniques, well performance evaluation, workover recommendations, and injection test profile analyzation and fracture treatment design modification. |