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Profile of Jeremy Bray

Jeremy Bray

Expertise - Substance Abuse Economics - Research Triangle Institute
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Company Name : Research Triangle Institute
Company Website : www.rti.org
Company Address : PO Box 12194
, Research Triangle Park, NC,
United States,
Jeremy Bray Profile :
Expertise - Substance Abuse Economics - Research Triangle Institute
Jeremy Bray Biography :

Jeremy Bray, PhD, is the director of RTI�s Behavioral Health Economics Program. His research focuses on the economics of substance abuse and mental health and on the cost-effectiveness of substance abuse treatment and prevention. Dr. Bray has examined the labor market effects of substance use, abuse, and dependence. Currently, Dr. Bray�s research focuses on the impact of alcohol use and abuse on educational attainment. In his research on the cost-effectiveness of substance abuse treatment and prevention, Dr. Bray serves as the cross-site evaluation director on the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention-funded Young Adults in the Workplace Initiative and is co-principal investigator on a National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism study to determine the cost-effectiveness of combined behavioral- and pharmaco-therapies for alcohol dependence. Dr. Bray has published his research findings in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Labour Economics, Public Health Reports, and Health Economics.

Jeremy Bray Colleagues :
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Victoria Haynes

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James Gibson

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Lorena Clark

Sr. VP - Human Resources, Corporate Affairs Please login

Lon Maggart

Sr. VP - Operations Please login

Scott Merrell

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