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Profile of Joanne Alder

Joanne Alder

Principal - Consulting Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
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Company Name : Milliman USA Inc.
Company Website : www.milliman.com
Company Address : 1301 5th Ave.
Ste. 3800, Seattle, WA,
United States,
Joanne Alder Profile :
Principal - Consulting Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
Joanne Alder Biography :

Professional designations

Fellow, Institute of Actuaries

Associate, Society of Actuaries

Member, American Academy of Actuaries

Current responsibility

Joanne is the lead consultant in the Milliman London Healthcare practice. She has been at Milliman for more than five years, including 18 months in the New York City office.


Joanne�s experience includes traditional actuarial work, such as:

Product design and pricing for new start-up health insurance companies

Rating and reserving for US, UK, and other European healthcare insurers

Provider reimbursement analysis

Mergers and acquisitions

She has also participated in projects involving wider applications of actuarial techniques for UK and US healthcare companies, for example:

Bed-demand projections for a new hospital

Return on investment models for preventative medicine and screening services

Estimates of the impact of disease management services on medical cost trends

Benchmarking of claims experience against best practice protocols

Building of models to project healthcare demand for primary care trusts

While in the US, she was involved in several assignments for healthcare providers, including analyses of reimbursement structures and assessment of the adequacy of capitation arrangements.

Joanne has carried out research into the costs of alternative methods of providing care for the elderly in the US and she is also currently studying for a post-graduate diploma in Health Economics for Healthcare Professionals at York University by distance learning. She sits on the Institute of Actuaries Health & Care Committee and is the chair of the Institute of Actuaries Chronic Disease Working Party.


BSc (Hons) Economics and Actuarial Studies, Southampton University, UK (Class 1) 1996

PG Certificate in Health Economics for Healthcare Professionals (Distinction) 2005

Joanne Alder Colleagues :
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Ryo Adachi

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John Agogliati

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Edwin Akwenuke

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