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Profile of John Schreiner

John Schreiner

Principal - Consulting Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
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Company Name : Milliman USA Inc.
Company Website : www.milliman.com
Company Address : 1301 5th Ave.
Ste. 3800, Seattle, WA,
United States,
John Schreiner Profile :
Principal - Consulting Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
John Schreiner Biography :

John P. Schreiner - Principal, Consulting Actuary FSA, MAAA Professional designations Fellow, Society of Actuaries Member, American Academy of Actuaries Current responsibility John is a Principal and consulting actuary in the Chicago office of Milliman. He joined the firm in 1976. John specializes in consulting with life insurance companies and related parties.Experience John's background includes significant experience in preparing financial projections of life insurance companies. He has been heavily involved in the actuarial analysis of life insurance companies during the past 10 years as the pace of life insurance mergers, acquisitions, and restructurings has accelerated. John, along with others in Milliman's Chicago life practice, has been involved in more than 50 transactions during this period, including most of the major ones. Total transaction value exceeds $50 billion.John's experience in financial projections has extended overseas, with heavy involvement in the analysis of life insurance companies in Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and other countries.John also has experience in corporate planning and modeling, asset/liability management, and product development.Education BS, Mathematics, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.

John Schreiner Colleagues :
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