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Profile of John Kropski

John Kropski

Board Dir. - Freed Maxick
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Company Name : Freed Maxick
Company Website : www.freedmaxick.com
Company Address : 424 Main St.
Liberty Bldg. 800, Buffalo, NY,
United States,
John Kropski Profile :
Board Dir. - Freed Maxick
John Kropski Biography :

John S. Kropski, CPA, a Canisius College graduate, joined Freed Maxick & Battaglia, CPAs, PC in 1984. Previously, he worked with an international CPA Firm (1976-81) and later served as a controller for a Western New York business (1981-84).

Professional Experience and Skills

Mr. Kropski has responsibility for the supervision and delivery of comprehensive professional services to healthcare service providers. John has 27 years of diverse experience in working with acute care, long-term care, home health care, mental health, and physician providers. His healthcare financial expertise is combined with a proactive consultative process that centers on profit improvement and program development. Examples of advisory and assurance engagements include:


Consultation on third party payment regulations, negotiations with fiscal intermediaries and preparation of rate appeals. He has appeared before the Provider Reimbursement Review Board of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the New York State Department of Health representing client positions in disputes.

Development of financial proformas and business plans for new/expanded services. Experience with the filing of certificate of need applications.

Facilitator for the strategic development and tactical implementation of ongoing company wide profit enhancement programs (PEP) including benchmarking current performance. PEP engagements have involved proprietary, voluntary, and governmental providers.

Performing asset valuations and due diligence reviews related to the acquisition and sale of health care facilities.


Planning and supervising annual financial statement audits including the preparation of management letters and reports for the Board of Trustees and Administration.

Preparation and certification of N.Y.S. Department of Health annual cost reports and N.Y.S. Consolidated Fiscal Reports for various health care providers.

Perform certified project cost engagements of new construction for H.U.D. and regulatory filing with NYS Department of Health used for financing approval and capital reimbursement purposes.

Philosophy and Approach to Client Service

John's commitment to exceeding client expectations has been a key driver in the leadership position Freed Maxick & Battaglia CPAs, PC has attained among professional firms serving the healthcare industry. Early in his career with an international public accounting firm, John enjoyed the opportunity to work with a variety of businesses and observe operational processes and leadership styles that were most successful. John is a believer that focusing on quality continues to invigorate a health care services organization and is a key driver to improving financial performance. John enjoys a "hands on" approach with management and staff while assisting with the implementation of solutions to achieve business goals.


Mr. Kropski is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants, the New York State Health Facilities Association and New York State Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, the Home Care Association of New York State, the Institute of Management Consultants, and the Institute of Profit Advisors. In addition, he has been an instructor at the New York State Nursing Home Administrator Training Program, Junior Achievement, and is often a requested speaker to other groups and associations. John is also active in select community organizations.

Firm Marketing Representative

Mr. Kropski is often heard on the radio throughout Western New York as the "voice" of Freed Maxick & Battaglia, CPAs. He has produced numerous commercials for the firm and can be heard on a regular basis on WBEN-AM NewsTalk 930. Here is a sampling of Mr. Kropski's commercials:

Spring 2006 - :60 commercial, "Transform Your Company"

Spring/Fall 2005 - :60 commercial, "Leadership"

Spring 2004 - :60 commercial, "Our Passion"

Fall 2003 - :60 commercial, "Since 1958".

John Kropski Colleagues :
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Robert Glaser

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John Andrews

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David Barrett

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Paul Battaglia

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Thomas Berical

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