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Profile of John Leiferman

John Leiferman

COO - DTN/Meteorlogix LLC
John Leiferman Email :
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Company Name : DTN/Meteorlogix LLC
Company Website : www.meteorlogix.com
Company Address : 11400 Rupp Dr.
, Minneapolis, MN,
United States,
John Leiferman Profile :
COO - DTN/Meteorlogix LLC
John Leiferman Biography :

John Leiferman has been with Meteorlogix for six years, serving in various operating roles including operations controller within former parent company Data Transmission Network (DTN), and as chief financial officer (COO) of Meteorlogix. As COO, Leiferman is responsible for directing the company's overall financial polices. He oversees all financial functions, including budget, credit, tax and accounting. He also is responsible for Human Resources, Management Information Services, and administrative functions. Prior to Meteorlogix, Leiferman worked for 10 years at the accounting firm of Deloitte & Touche, where, among other positions, Leiferman worked as a senior tax manager specializing in tax and business planning for mid-market companies. Leiferman has also worked as controller at Travel & Transport, a national travel agency. Leiferman earned a bachelor's degree in accounting from the University of Nebraska and is a certified public accountant (CPA).

John Leiferman Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Robert Gordon

CEO Please login

Richard Halle

CFO Please login

Ron Sznaider

VP Sales, Weather Please login

Barry Mosbrucker

VP - Development Please login

Jim Block

Chief Meteorological Officer Please login

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